Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR)



In this article, you will know about Dhaka and London, airports, hotels, ticket prices, airways, beautiful places, emergency numbers, booking tickets, and a lot more. So, please continue reading.Looking for flights from Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR) at a reasonable price that fits your budget? Visit, business, education, or occasion whatever the purpose is, we at AirTicket.com.bd will help you to make your air travel a memorable one. Though air flights are for saving your valuable time and make the journey comfortable, the prices and the quality of services often becomes a matter of concern. We provide the most comfortable flights at the best possible prices. With our services, you will be able to find the best flights from Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR) that suits your budget and other requirements. So, don’t worry about the flight date, schedule, or booking a ticket. Just contact us.

Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR)

Inthis article, you will know about Dhaka and London, airports, hotels, ticketprices, airways, beautiful places, emergency numbers, booking tickets, and alot more. So, please continue reading.

Lookingfor flights from Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR) at a reasonable price that fitsyour budget? Visit, business, education, or occasion whatever the purpose is,we at AirTicket.com.bd will help you to make your air travel a memorable one.Though air flights are for saving your valuable time and make the journeycomfortable, the prices and the quality of services often becomes a matter ofconcern. We provide the most comfortable flights at the best possible prices. Withour services, you will be able to find the best flights from Dhaka (DAC) toLondon (LHR) that suits your budget and other requirements. So, don’t worryabout the flight date, schedule, or booking a ticket. Just contact us.


Wegive the highest priority to our customer’s demand. We believe in long termrelationships and our reputation comes first to us. So, we never negotiate withour service quality. We can assure you to get the best deals and travelexperience with us.

A list of airlines flying from Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR)

Wework with airlines around the world. One of the most beneficial parts ofchoosing a flight from us is that you can choose from a wide variety of optionsthat matches your budget and other requirements. Some airlines for travelingfrom Dhaka (DAC) to London (LHR) are mentioned below. You can find all range ofprices that offer different qualities and services from the flights mentionedhere:






About Dhaka and London

Capitalcities are the hearts of each country. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.People from all around the country and abroad come here and live with peace andharmony. It’s a developing city with one of the world’s most densepopulation.  Dhaka is known for itsfriendly people, foods with a lot of spices, rickshaw, mosque, and some of itsbeautiful places.

Asyou reached this page to know about London flights, let’s know a little about London.

Londonis the capital and the largest city in England and the United Kingdom.  It’s a city, full of beauty and amazingnessalso a city of dreams to many. London is famous for its cultural heritage,development, museums, wealthy history, and a lot more. It’s a city thateveryone knows of. London has a lot to see. It won’t stop surprising you. Hereare the places you don’t want to miss when visiting London:

TheBritish Museum

Towerof London




lastminute.comLondon Eye

Palaceof Westminster, and a lot more.


Airport Addresses


ShahjalalInternational Airport

AirportRoad, Sector 1, Kurmitola, Dhaka 1229




Heathrow Airport

Address:Longford TW6, United Kingdom

Phone+44 844 335 1801

 Ticket price of Dhaka to London

Airticket fare is something that always keeps changing depending on travel dates,special occasions, demands, and many other factors. So, it is really hard to mentiona fixed price. Some airlines are traveling on this specific route. We aretrying to provide an average air ticket price from Dhaka to London (LHR). Theprices may increase or decrease depending on various circumstances. We are justtrying to give you an idea of the estimated fair cost.

Ticketprice of Dhaka to London (LHR)


SrilankanAirlines        starting from 788$

QatarAirways             starting from 910$


QatarAirways             starting from 628$

TurkishAirlines-                      starting from 633$

Saudia                         startingfrom 625$


Top Hotels in London

Doesn’tmatter if you are visiting with your friends, family, or alone. You will need anice place where you can relax for a moment after a long journey. To save youfrom further trouble we have created a list of the best hotels in London.

                   Danubius Hotel Regents Park

                   Montcalm Royal London House - City of London

                   LimeTree Hotel

                   Shangri-LaHotel, At the Shard, London

                   NovotelLondon Blackfriars

                   ParkGrand London Kensington

                   SmartHyde Park Inn Hostel


Ifyou want to book hotels at a cheaper price, let us know. We are here to makeeverything easy for you.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Wenever know when the moment of emergency will arrive. So, it is a must to keepthe necessary numbers noted to get emergency services in a foreign country.

Emergency Numbers of London:

Call 112 or 999 forthe emergency services (police, fire, and ambulance) in London.


Why should you choose //www.merlinbd.com/flight for the best Flights from Dhaka to London?

Themain concerns when choosing a flight are, if it is expensive or not, itscomfortability, and the journey time. It is hard for anyone to find a flightthat matches all the requirements. You will get the best air tickets from Dhakato London here at //www.merlinbd.com/flight We work day and night to help you meet your ultimate choiceat the best possible price. All you will have to do is to contact us. We willprovide the latest information’s regarding flights from Dhaka to London. Youcan choose any of that according to your priorities and leave the rest on us.

Chooseour service because

Wegive our best to meet you with the best airlines

Weprovide flight tickets at the best possible price for our potential customers.

Asour company is associated with different airlines, you can choose the flightaccording to your budget and comfort.

Also,we have many flights on different schedules so that you can board any one ofthem which suits you the best.

Wegive the highest priority to our customers choice

Andmost importantly we care for you.

Tobe honest we are not the only providing such services. But it is the quality ofour services that makes us better than others.


So,what are you waiting for? Book your perfect flight from Dhaka to London withAirTicket.com.

Visitour website: //www.merlinbd.com/flight


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